Friday, February 20, 2015

Working in the Digital Age


The satellite phone was used most recently in Afghanistan by photojournalists that were using digital cameras to take photos, using the phone to transmit the new photo. Some photojournalists used smaller satellite phones that took up to 3 hours to transmit a photo. Cheryl Meyer said “a good satellite phones not only necessary for transmitting photos, but also for research and reporting.”

          Comparing and contrasting this to the black and white photography which I did for my last assignment. This is a step above that. Having now the capabilities to send an image once taken to a location is amazing. If it were black and white film the photographer would have to wait to go back to the lab to process the film and see what was on the roll before sending it.
    Comparing these 2 technologies, they are both older. Sending photos is much easier now with newer technology. Think about it your able to snap a photo in seconds on your iPhone and it can be all over the world with a single touch of a button. Professor Nordell wrote on the content area how "Photojournalists today sometimes use WiFi enabled cameras or cards to send images to either their cell phones or iPads." We went from running around trying to meet deadlines and developing photo's to simply pressing send.

According to Professor Nordell " photographers photographing Clements' trial couldn't use runners or leave the courtroom, One photographer used an early wireless transmitter to transmit the photo's once taken, to the editor for publishing."

In this photo a St. Louis Post-Dispatch photographer Andrew Cutraro transmitting photos via a satellite phone, According to Lawrence Charters "The Marines supplied the transportation, the food, the helmets and flak jackets, the camouflage uniforms, goggles and gloves (not to mention a heavily armed company for protection in a dangerous environment)"
photo by U.S Marine 

A black and white 35mm example:
Someone like Robert Capa would appreciate the ability to transmit photo's via wifi or satellite phone. Instead of using a photo lab for processing. According to John Morris " A darkroom technician was almost as anxious to see the invasion images as Capa himself. In his haste, the technician dried the film too quickly, The excess heat melted the emulsion on all but 10 of the frames."
photo by Fred Lyon

Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Art of Photojournalism

The Art of Photojournalism

Photo by: Alexander Gardner
Year Created: 1865
Obvious main subject, about ¼ to 2/3 of image area.  The images shows a man  Lewis Paine, who tried murdering a Secretary of State. Lewis is the main focus of this photo takes up most of the room on the photo
Subject’s Expression- Lewis seems very tense and angry. This photo was taken after being captured for attempted murder
Is the image black & white or color : this image was taken in 1865 color was not yet invented so the photographer did not have a choice, although this image has more of a sepia tone.   
Why did I choose the image?:  Searching for images pre 1900 i came across this one. To me it shows law enforcement operated before the technology of today. It also interested me because of the facial expression that was captured. I also found it interesting how the prisoner is much taller then the  guard standing right next to him in that era.

photo by Gordon Parks
Year created: 1942
What feelings does the image create?  To me this photograph, shows a hard working African American woman during the time of racism. It shows pride and what it is to be an American
Depth of field : The photograph is focus on the subject and her mop and broom, with an American flag out of focus in the background.
Background compliments or detracts from composition : The  background image of the American Flag adds meaning to the photo. It shows us pride and hard work.
Why did I choose this image? I came across this image and couldn't help but stare. It made me think of what it is like to be an American, and how you must work hard to earn money and get to where you want to be. Its a very powerful image  of racism during the 1940's
   photo by : Laurent Van Der Stockt
year created: 1996

Use of lines: I feel as if the buildings on either side are used as lines to take away focus on the woman and child and drag your attention to the back of image where their is war and smoke.

In or out of focus   although the woman and child are in the middle I don't believe that the focus is on them. They are almost blurred, their faces aren't well defined. The image drags your attention to the back
KEEP IT SIMPLE   This image is very simple you see a woman and a child in a stroller and in the background a war torn chechnya, but the image is not distracting, and keep very simple.

Why I chose this image? I chose this image simply because it caught my eye. The image is so simple yet it has so much meaning and is open to interpretation. Even though the woman is the center focus in the still, she is not the focus of the photo. How the photographer captured that intrigues me.