Friday, January 23, 2015

Introduction to the History of Photojournalism

       Photojournalism simply put is the “telling of a story through a photo” according to Cameron Knight. Photos are very helpful in telling a story, they add a special touch to any article, book, or paper. Visualization is key in helping to get the point or story across.

So why is knowing the history photojournalism important? I personally think going through a book with no pictures would be boring and you wouldn’t be able to feel like your standing there with them. Michelle Wanke said “ Can you image reading a newspaper or magazine that was void of images? How would you react if you had to watch television news broadcasts that didn't include a stitch of video? These entities would be incomplete without pictures. Photos make or break media products.” Photos are apart of our history, without photos we would not be able to find out about a lot of things that happened in the past.
      Imagine those who are little kids now. They weren’t around for 9/11, but the photos that were taken will always be here. When they learn about the attack on that day, they will see the photos and feel apart of that day. I found an interesting quote from that read “From its inception in the 1850’s, photojournalism has played a major role in shaping American history. Photojournalism, broadly defined, is the communication of news through pictures. It has extended our sense of understanding of things previously unknown."
If you take a look at the image below, you see a soldier handing a bottle of water to a  little boy, Noora Kotilainen titled it " the humanitarian soldier in action" its a very powerful image. When I took a look at it I immediately thought of the words caring, help, and peace. As far as photojournalism goes it shows the soldier doing an action, a verb. The soldier is giving the boy a bottle of water.

oto by Noora Kotilainen:

This next image of war shows soldiers in action, storming through the beach during D-DAY in WW2. Another very powerful well taken photojournalistic photo that evokes great meaning. The history behind this day is very important and thanks to the photographer generations are able to learn about this day and visualize what happened and place themselves in the shoes of those photographed.


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