Sunday, April 12, 2015

What motivates photojournalists

What motivates photojournalists

My motivational map:

Photojournalist's and their motivations:

          Lynsey Addario

Darfur by Lynsey Addario

As a nursing student I strive to make my patients as comfortable as possible and I treat them with the utmost respect. After all that could be your relative in that bed. We both seem to want to make a difference in the lives of others. Addario wants to show the importance of the stories and the suffering to the American public.

Dith Pran

      Dith pran was a Cambodian photojournalist who eventually joined the New York Times. According to Elizabeth Becker he is "motivated by courage, loyalty and love rather than a newspaper reporter's deadline or sense of righteous indignation." In a way myself and Dith are similar because he is loyal, and isn't doing the job for money or being a reporter but rather courage, and love. I am a nursing student and going to become a nurse. I'm not doing this for the money, yes I will make a good amount of money and I'm very happy with that but what makes me happy is being able to help someone, and change their lives. I love when I get someone to smile or open up to me.

photo by Dith Pran

Alfred Eisenstaedt

photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt

According to Lacayo "he was more than a friend to his subjects. He was a fan, as well"
He was motivated by what he saw, according to Louise Mooney Collin "he saw that happiness was every bit the worthy subject that sadness might have been to another photographer." Eisenstaedt and I both share happiness as a  motivation. It helps me thrive in my career and schooling. All of these photojournalists I noticed did not mention money as a motivation as I did. Now I didn't mean to write money in a bad way. Money is how you get ahead these day's. Money buys what you need, but money does not buy happiness and love, those are achieved, I just believe you need money to survive and nursing will give me that but nursing also will give me my happiness, success and the ability to make a difference in someone's life.

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